
Title: CPR/ First Aid Training – Feb 22nd

We’re having a campus-wide training– open to Saltwater UU, Bet Chaverim, Haitian Christians United and Pathways Enrichment Academy — on Saturday February 22nd, 10:30 AM to 2 PM. (Feel free to bring a sack lunch to eat while we’re watching each other’s first aid efforts.)

Please join us if you would like to know

  • how to respond if a friend was injured at church, or had a heart attack
  • where to find emergency supplies
  • how to use the Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)

… or if you’d like to practice rusty skills in a safe environment, and make new friends in the process.

Our instructor, Barb Lawson, is recommended by South King County Fire and is providing us with a hands-on training in Basic Life Support, including Stop the Bleed, CPR, AED.

Click this link to register. The cost is $45, but we don’t want cost to be an obstacle. If you need assistance paying, let us know on the application form.

Please contact sherwinalpert@comcast.net with any questions or concerns.