KCLS has section that allows free access to MANGO language study.
Mango Languages 
Learn a new language at your own pace. Practice reading, writing, and listening in online lessons. Customize your lessons by choosing the topics that you’re interested in. Take your learning with you on your mobile device.
Biblical Hebrew is one of the choices, as well as Modern Hebrew.
( note that developers of Mango, refer to Torah from Christian point of view)
Culture Note
The Old Testament includes many names and aliases for the one G-d. According to Jewish belief, some of them are too sacred to be pronounced aloud. The name אֱלֹהִים, pronounced elo-HEEM, should only be pronounced as such when reading aloud from the bible. If one uses the name outside of this context it should be pronounced elo-KHEEM. One of G-d’s Hebrew names is actually הַשֵּׁם, meaning “the name.” The name אֱלֹהִים is one of the most common aliases. It is thought to be an honorary plural form of the word אֵל or אֵלֹהַ (a god).
Grammar Note
Verbs, like nouns, are created by imposing a sequence of three consonants, called the stem, on a pattern of vowels and aiding consonants. The stem sets the general field, and the pattern sets the function. For example, the stem ב.ר.א. means “creation from nothing.” Imposing this stem on the basic verb pattern yields the verb בָּרָא (created); imposing the same stem on a second pattern yields the verb נִבְרַא (was created); and imposing it on a third pattern yields the noun בְּרִיאָה(creation).