Simcha Torah 2022
Simcha Torah
sukkot 2022
Shabbat service with babies
October 15, 2022
Rabbi with babies Rafael and Rotem and Dads Alex and Meir.
Play “A Time to Live”
Staged reading of A Time to Live (based on The Book of Ruth)
Traditionally, the Book of Ruth, part of the section of the Bible known as Writings, is read during services on Shavuot. Ruth is a young Moabite woman who married an Israelite man. When her husband died, she followed her mother-in-law, Naomi, back to Israel and adopted the Jewish faith and people as her own. To feed herself and Naomi, she gleaned in the field of Boaz, a rich man. Boaz is taken with her, and eventually they marry. Among their descendants is the famed King David who built the first Temple.
CONCERT April 30 2022
2022 Passover
Bet Chaverim 2022 2nd Night Passover Photo of Attendees
baby naming ceremony
What exactly is this baby naming ceremony called?
There’s no easy answer to this one! The good news is that you’re spoiled with choice: there are lots of different names for a baby naming ceremony. Most of the names for these ceremonies are gendered and some are denominational.
Brit bat — Brit bat means a “covenant of the daughter” in Hebrew.
Simchat bat — Simchat bat means “joy of the daughter” in Hebrew, it’s usually used in Ashkenazi communities for a girl’s naming ceremony.
Zeved Habat — Zeved Habat means “gift of the daughter.” It’s a Sephardic baby naming ritual that is usually held in a synagogue within the first month of life.
Brit ben — Brit ben means a “covenant of the son” in Hebrew.
Brit shalom — Brit shalom means a “covenant of peace” in Hebrew.
Brit chayim — Brit chayim means a “covenant of life” in Hebrew.
Brit tikkun — Brit tikkum means a “covenant of reparation” in Hebrew.
But you can also just call it a baby naming ceremony. It’s simple and clear!
and ends in the evening of
2021 Gneral meeting and election
Bet Chaverim General Meeting June 27, 2021
In Attendance: Rabbi Mirel, David Kaplan, Melissa Brooks, Carmi Brooks, Olga Carlin, Joseph Wilder, June Kallman, Donna Mullins, Josh Penzell, Brenda LaPoint, Sherwin Alpert, Robyn Alpert, Chris Bogart, Judy Schainen, Judi Sirrine, Nancy Blasé, Michael Banks, Archie Levine, Ken Steinman, Janae Rahiman, Lucas Harrington
The meeting was convened at 11 A.M. It was determined that a quorum was met with 18 member units in attendance.
Review of the past year:
Judy reported some of the activities that we participated in this past year:
- Jewish Family Services food drive
- Kent Pediatric Interim Care Center
- Jewish Federation Small Agency grant
- FEMA grant – we will learn the outcome in November
- NW Jewish Coalition for Immigrant Rights
- Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration
- Mazon
- Jewish Federation Pride Shabbat
- Sound Alliance collaboration
- Asian Americans ADL
- We will sponsor a Jewish music concert in October 2021
Rabbi Mirel taught several adult education classes. He honored our former president Lonnie Wall by conducting Lonnie’s military funeral.
Many of our donations received this year were due to Rabbi Mirel – thank you Rabbi.
Thank you to Joe Wilder and Michael Banks for teaching classes.
Thank you to Robyn Alpert and Donna Mullins for becoming our Sisterhood Co-Presidents.
Our total member units remain at 34. We lost two members and we gained two members. Janae will soon become a member.
Treasurers Report
Dave presented the Profit & Loss versus Actual for this past fiscal year:
Donations exceeded what was budgeted by $1,200.
Dues came in under budget, but we will be close to breaking even.
High Holidays brought in more donations than last year.
There was no CD or Passover income.
We received program income from our NCEJ grant from last year.
We received the Federation small congregation grant from last year.
We received $210 from the Amazon Smiles and Kroger programs.
We were $3,700 below revenue for the year.
Our general expenses were over budget due to credit card processing fees and Zoom.
We spent $100 for our “J license”.
We spent over $400 in Outreach for donations to sponsor various events.
Overall, we have $2,000 net income at the end of this fiscal year.
Proposed Budget for 2021/2022
Increased budget amount for donations
Due’s rate will remain the same
High Holiday donations increased
Interest lowered
Passover — $2,500
Program Income — $1,300
Special Events — $2,500
Total – $53,400
Cantorial services – slight increase in compensation for Neil
Rent – same
Outreach increased to reflect that we have been sponsoring different events
Passover — $2,100
Program expense — $500
Rabbi – same
Total — $53,324
Archie asked about the URJ mum dues – we are currently paying the full amount which is $150 month
Donna asked which budget do expenses come under for things such as fundraising expenses related to Hanukkah etc. Dave reported that this comes under “special events”.
Josh asked about what we can learn from the High Holidays and increased donations considering the High Holidays were on Zoom? The rabbi reported that because we had increased attendance due to Zoom, we will continue to conduct High Holiday services on Zoom even if we don’t meet in person. Dave reported that on Kol Nidre we had 69 participants – 38 of those were non-members from around the country. We probably want to continue to offer Zoom even when we return to in person services.
Archie asked how we attracted those extra participants to our services? Dave responded that a core group follow the rabbi. We received High Holiday donations from participants on Mercer Island, Bellevue, and Seattle. We were blessed to have that.
There was a vote and the proposed budget passed. Dave encouraged us to keep on sending in our dues and donations.
New Business:
Judy reported that we are preparing for the High Holidays. At our July 14th board meeting we will be discussing when we will be returning to in person services.
Our goals for this next year are:
- Increase membership to 39 member units
- Continue Jewish education
- Expand our involvement in Social Justice
- Plan for in person services
- Apply for a new grant
- Complete the Jack Kornberg Memorial Tree of Life
- Continue Sisterhood activities
Committee Reports:
Bulletin/Newsletter: Michael gave a shout out to Lucas for his work on the bulletin. Bulletin articles should be emailed to Michael by Tuesday evening.
Caring: Judy reported that this committee provides support to members who need it.
Directory: Brenda will call and email members for updates
Inclusivity: Lucas is the chair.
Membership: Donna reported that the website, Zoom and providing classes have helped with membership.
Philanthropy: Dave reported that we plan on having two events this year to socialize and raise money.
Michael reported that the Saltwater church gave approval to mount a tree on the wall near the ark. The cost will be approximately $900 to build and mount the Jack Kornberg Memorial Tree of Life. We will make donations in exchange for a bronze leaf to commemorate births, deaths and life cycle events. Michael is waiting to hear back from the woodworker – he is hoping that the tree will be completed by the High Holidays.
Michael also wants to craft a charitable trust program.
Sisterhood: Robyn reported that the Sisterhood programs have been stymied by the pandemic. The purpose of Sisterhood is to support members and the synagogue. Sisterhood has a book club. The next meeting will be in person at Robyn’s house and the books being discussed is The Lost Girls of Paris. There is a Pacific NW Regional Sisterhood event on July 24-25. The Zoom link will be sent in the bulletin.
Hospitality: Chris will be contacting people to sign up for Onegs.
Technology: Carmi has been in contact with the Saltwater Church Audio Visual person, Robert. The church will also be using a hybrid model for services. Carmi also maintains our website and Facebook page.
Security and Safety: Ken will be the new chairperson. A FEMA grant was submitted – we will hear the result of that in November. The committee has also been working on emergency planning for natural disasters. Sherwin is resigning from the committee.
Social Justice: Archie reported that we participated in the Jewish Family Service food drive. We also supported the following organizations: Bauman transitional housing, NW Jewish Coalition for Immigrant Rights, Federal Way Day Shelter. We sponsored the climate change talk which was given by Heather Price. The committee is looking into starting a tutoring project for students in need. Melissa reported that we have collaborated with the Salt Water Church and Sound Alliance. As part of Sound Alliance the church and synagogue held listening sessions. The questions posed at the listening sessions were what social justice issues are of interest to you and your organizations and what issues are you willing to take action on. The top two issues identified were housing and mental health.
Yahrzeit: Maya had chaired this committee for many years and she asked to be replaced. Nancy, June and Donna took over. Nancy maintains the data base; June and Donna send out the yahrzeit envelopes
Religious: Joe reported that the committee members are: Rabbi Mirel, Judy, Robyn, Sherwin, Joe, Melissa, Peggy and Nancy. Josh Penzell will be our newest member. This past year we have held Shabbat services every Friday and a Havdalah service at 7 P.M. on Saturdays – Joe encouraged people to participate in these services. We have held two Purim, Pesach and Sukkot services by Zoom. The rabbi has conducted classes on Mishnah, Talmud, Meditation and Pirkei Avot. Joe has taught Hebrew classes. Michael has taught cooking classes. We hope to have a Jews in Broadway class taught by Josh Penzell. Joe plans on continuing to teach the Biblical Hebrew classes and Michael will be teaching a Jewish Literacy class. Joe would like input on topics for future classes.
Board Election
We have three member at large positions open. Judy asked for the approval of the nominations of Mark Senk, Brian Sandler, Eytan Olivier, and Donna Mullins to fill these positions. There was a vote and the slate was approved.
Our current board consists of:
Judy Schainen/President – 1 year
Joseph Wilder/Vice President – 1 year
Melissa Brooks/Recording Secretary – 1 year
Judy Schainen/Corresponding Secretary – 1 year
David Kaplan/Treasurer – 1 year
Michael Banks/Past President – 1 year
Chris Bogart/Member At Large – 1 year
June Kallman/Member At Large – 1 year
Mark Senk/Member At Large – 2 years
Eytan Olivier/Member At Large – 2 years
Brian Sandler/Member At Large – 2 years
Judy thanked Sherwin, Robyn and Ted for the years of service on the board.
Judy thanked everybody who attended the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by: Melissa Brooks/Recording Secretary